Oral Answer by Ministry of National Development on enforcement actions against illegal subletting and overcrowding in HDB flats

Apr 3, 2017

Mr Gan Thiam Poh: To ask the Minister for National Development 

(a) in the past three years, how many enforcement actions have been taken by HDB on illegal subletting and/or overcrowding in HDB flats; and

(b) what are the measures that the Ministry is taking to ensure that all HDB flat owners comply with the regulation including inter-Ministry joint collaboration?


HDB flats are meant for occupation by the flat owners and family members. However, HDB flat owners can sublet their flat after meeting the required minimum occupation period and obtaining HDB’s prior approval.  

HDB takes a serious view of unauthorised subletting and/or overcrowding. When letting out the flat, flat owners have to ensure that the number of subtenants does not exceed the allowable maximum which varies with flat type. Failure to obtain prior approval or observe the maximum number of subtenants allowed is a breach of the Lease Agreement, and action can and will be taken against the errant flat owners.  

In the last three years, there were 70 cases where enforcement action was taken against errant flat owners for unauthorised subletting and/or overcrowding. 

HDB conducts checks and investigations on flats suspected of unauthorised subletting and/or overcrowding based on feedback from the public. HDB also conducts its own random checks on flats, and works with agencies such as the SPF, ICA or MOM, when there are suspected infringements under the Penal Code or relevant Acts under these agencies. 

To educate the public about subletting rules, HDB also publicises actions taken against flat owners in cases of unauthorised subletting and/or overcrowding.