Oral Answer by Ministry of National Development on business sites

Mar 1, 2016

Mr Saktiandi Supaat: To ask the Minister for National Development: 

(a) what is the current process for a small business to get an alternative site from HDB or JTC to continue their business if their shop/office is destroyed by fire; and 

(b) whether the Ministry will consider expediting the process so that the affected businesses can make a quick recovery to resume their business. 


Both HDB and JTC have measures to assist tenants whose premises have been affected by fire, so that their business operations can resume as quickly as possible. 

For example, in the case of factory units, HDB will take over the affected premises and carry out architectural and structural repair works. HDB will also grant rent remission to the tenants of the affected units from the date of fire until the date the units are reinstated and handed back to the tenants to resume business operations. 

During the period of rectification works, if the tenant needs alternative units to continue their operations, HDB can allocate available vacant factory units, known as transitional units, to the tenant for temporary occupation. 

Similarly, JTC will assist by looking for alternative factory units while the affected premises are being repaired. In addition, they provide rental remission on a case by case basis.