New President of the Council for Estate Agencies

Oct 21, 2016

Greg Seow will be stepping down from the Council for Estate Agencies (CEA) Council on 21 October 2016. 

Quek See Tiat, Deputy President of the CEA Council, will succeed Seow and be appointed as the President of the CEA Council with effect from 22 October 2016. 

Seow served on the CEA Council as President since CEA was formed on 22 October 2010. Under Seow’s leadership, CEA established a regulatory framework that professional responsibility and high ethical standards for the real estate agency industry. He oversaw the development of an effective enforcement regime and implementation of a professional development for the industry. Seow also guided consumer education efforts to raise public awareness in various aspects of property transactions.

Quek brings to CEA invaluable experience from his career in the private and directorships in the private and public sectors. Quek holds directorships in the Energy Market Authority, Monetary Authority of Singapore, Singapore Press Holdings, Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd, and Temasek Foundation Connects CLG Limited. He was previously Deputy Chairman and a Partner of PwC Singapore, and Chairman of the Building and Construction Authority. 
Besides Quek, seven existing council members will be re-appointed and four new members will join the Council.  Six other council members will step down along with Seow.  All appointments on the CEA Council are for a two-year term commencing 22 October 2016. 

The 12-member Council comprises professionals with diverse experience from both the public and private sectors, including sectors related to the real estate agency industry, as well as representatives from government agencies involved in the administration of the property market. The list of Council members is in Annex A. The new Council will guide CEA’s strategies and initiatives to develop a trusted and professional real estate agency industry in Singapore. 

Commenting on his appointment as the President of the new Council, Quek said, “The real estate agency industry is operating in a changing environment and faces challenges like increasing technological disruptions and changes in consumer . I look forward to working with members and CEA to help the sector navigate these changes and strive towards higher levels of professionalism.”     

The Ministry of National Development and CEA would like to welcome the new council members and extend their deepest appreciation to Greg Seow and other outgoing members of the Council (at Annex B) for their valuable service and contributions to the CEA Council.