Keynote Speech by 2M Indranee Rajah at Investing in a Sustainable and Equitable Recovery Session at the World Cities Summit 2021

Jun 21, 2021

A very warm welcome to all of you wherever you may be and whatever timezone you may be in. Thank you for joining us at this World Cities Summit session on “Investing in a Sustainable and Equitable Recovery”. It has been a year and a half, and all of us are continuing our fight against COVID-19; I hope that you are keeping safe wherever in the world you may be. 

None of us have avoided the impact of COVID-19. As vaccine distribution continues and the world begins investing in recovery, cities – where more and more of the world’s population live – have come to a few realisations.

First, in the face of unprecedented disruptions, we have to increase resilience in urban infrastructure and systems, for example by building in adaptability and flexibility. 

Second, cities must lead collective global action for a sustainable future. To ensure a healthy planet for both current and future generations, this is not a choice, it’s a must. 

Third, COVID-19 has hit the disadvantaged and the impoverished the most. Any vision for a sustainable future must also be equitable, as worsening inequality will only compromise the resilience that we seek. 

Taking a Long-Term View and Investing in Urban Infrastructure 

For cities, taking a long-term view and investing in infrastructure will be the bedrock for this vision of a more resilient future. 

But what kind of infrastructure do we need? Crucially, how do we fund this infrastructure? COVID-19 has strained national and city budgets, with governments spending heavily on critical priorities such as ramping up public health systems and extending financial assistance to those whose livelihoods have been devastated by the pandemic. 

That these priorities have taken precedence over long-term infrastructural development is understandable given our current circumstances. But as the world recovers, infrastructural development must be a priority. According to the Global Infrastructure Outlook, a G20 initiative, the infrastructure investment gap globally will widen to at least US$15 trillion by 2040. 

Developing nations in particular were already facing severe infrastructure gaps prior to COVID-19. And many developed cities need to upgrade existing infrastructure to remain economically vibrant – an increasingly vital task as the world recovers from the pandemic. 

We must persist. Infrastructure investments are a key driver of economic recovery and long-term growth. Infrastructure is also critical for the provision of basic needs – energy, water, waste disposal, transportation and so on – all of those things that our cities and people depend on. 

Financing Challenges: Working with the Private Sector 

How do we close the global infrastructure gap? Strained budgets mean that governments can no longer do this alone. Partnerships with the private sector are needed. The World Bank has estimated that 85% of the investment gap in sustainable infrastructure will have to be borne by the private sector. 

Public-Private Partnerships, or PPPs – where private investors partner with governments and share the risks and costs associated with infrastructure development – are one option that cities can pursue. 

Aside from cost savings, PPPs can confer other benefits, such as injecting fresh ideas and greater innovation, and reducing project completion times. 

In Singapore, we have for many years harnessed the drive of the private sector to build and improve our city – the government and private enterprise working hand-in-hand. In some cities, greater involvement of the private sector in urban development does give rise to legitimate concerns, for example about developers putting profit ahead of public interest. But this need not be the case, if governments work with the private sector to design and structure their partnerships well. 

For example, Singapore’s land use planning and conservation agency, that is the Urban Redevelopment Authority or URA, carefully stipulates requirements on publicly-accessible space and greenery provision through various schemes. These include the Privately-Owned Public Spaces, or POPS design guidelines and the Landscaping for Urban Spaces and High-Rises, LUSH scheme. Have to forgive our acronyms, in Singapore here, we love our acronyms! 

This approach sees government providing the planning parameters, while working with the private sector to operationalise them. This is just one way government can guide and work with the private sector to develop important infrastructure, while still meeting urban planning objectives. 

Sustainable Infrastructure for a Green Future 

Next, what kind of infrastructure should cities finance? In the face of climate change and pandemics, it is more important than ever that cities invest in a sustainable future for the world. 

The world has been advocating sustainable development for decades. Meaningful progress has been made, but much remains to be done. Investing in sustainable infrastructure is no longer just about achieving environmental outcomes. It also factors in social, public health, economic and financial concerns. Ensuring sustainability in all these inter-connected areas enhances our overall resilience in times of disruption. 

We do not have to look very far for examples. Climate change is the collective challenge of our generation, and it will impact the world environmentally, socially and economically. Other disruptions include growing inequality, ageing populations, pandemics and technological disruptions which will exacerbate these impacts. 

Infrastructure that integrates these considerations will not only boost resilience, it will in tandem also enhance liveability, help create jobs, and drive inclusive growth. 

This is why Singapore believes strongly in the value of such sustainable infrastructure. I hope you will let me briefly share with you some of the examples of ongoing projects that we are excited about. 

We are integrating sustainable infrastructure in one of our upcoming public housing towns – called “Tengah” – located in western Singapore. Developed by our Housing and Development Board or HDB, the town will integrate nature and the community so that residents can enjoy nature right at their doorstep. Tengah will have a “car-free” town centre where walking and cycling will take precedence, as well as spaces for community urban farming, and smart features in homes and common areas to save energy. 

Sustainable infrastructure does not have to be limited only to buildings. Our National Parks Board, NParks, is working hard to achieve its vision of transforming Singapore into a City in Nature. This would further weave nature into our urban fabric and strengthen our resilience against climate change. One of the key steps it is taking is to work with the community to plant one million more trees between 2020 and 2030, under the OneMillionTrees Movement. Under this movement, we have so far planted more than 210,000 trees across Singapore since last year. 

Singapore is also integrating circularity into our urban systems, for example by cutting waste and boosting renewable energy production.  

We are aiming towards Zero Waste, in line with our Zero Waste Masterplan which was published two years ago. Last year, more than half of our waste was recycled. Most of the rest is incinerated – generating electricity while doing so. We only landfill the resultant ash and non-incinerable waste. To move towards Zero Waste, apart from reducing the amount of waste we generate, we are also going further and trialling the use of treated incineration ash as an alternative construction material for roads or non-structural concrete. This is what we call “NEWSand”. 

Singapore is also ramping up on our use of renewable energy, in particular, solar. This is a key part of our international climate action commitments and will help to boost our resilience against unpredictable fossil-fuel energy supply or price shocks. Under the SolarNova programme, Singapore’s Housing and Development Board (HDB) is jointly leading a whole-of-government effort with our Economic Development Board to aggregate demand for photovoltaic systems across government agencies. The aim is to achieve better economies of scale, lower costs, and make solar energy even more viable. 

HDB plans to install solar panels on 70% of our public housing blocks by 2030. The solar energy generated will power common services such as lifts, lights and water pumps, and any excess energy will be channelled to our national grid. 

What I have described are a few examples of the kind of sustainable infrastructure that Singapore is investing in to make us more resilient against climate change and other disruptions. But we know that other cities are also making great strides in the same direction and we look forward to hearing more from you on your city’s experiences as well. 

Equitable Infrastructure for an Inclusive, Liveable Future 

Sustainable infrastructure delivers clear benefits to the environment and impacts communities in a positive way. When the benefits of clean air, clean water and low pollution are made available to all, this boosts public health and is an important part of a city’s inclusive growth. 

In Singapore, we clearly understand that infrastructure development needs to produce equitable outcomes. Cities must invest in a recovery that does not leave people behind. 

Around the world, the people hardest hit by COVID-19 live in crammed conditions with inadequate sanitation, which has worsened the spread of the virus. The pandemic has driven home the importance of public health infrastructure to ensure hygiene, sanitation and access to clean water and waste disposal. These are basic infrastructural needs. 

Urban infrastructure and systems such as public transport, healthcare, parks, recreational amenities, as well as digital and internet access, are examples of basic infrastructure that cities must not neglect. Widening access to these is critical to reducing inequality. 

Singapore’s national strategies in these areas have been carefully thought through to ensure this. By 2030, we aim for every household to be within a 10-minute walk from a park, and we will expand our rail network from 230 to 360 kilometres to improve public transport access across the island. In the area of digitalisation, we are boosting digital literacy among our elderly, we take the view that no one is too old to learn. We have programmes teaching them how to make video calls, search for information online, and protect themselves from online scams.  

Cities need infrastructure that is resilient not only to climate change and pandemics, but which also strengthens social resilience by reducing inequality. Because when these disruptions and shocks occur, as we have seen, it is the most vulnerable among us who bear the brunt of it. 


From partnering the private sector for infrastructure investment; to pursuing a sustainable vision; to ensuring a recovery that leaves no one behind: These are all very important priorities, and it can be easy to see them as separate agendas, but they are in fact all closely intertwined.  

It boils down to resilience. To be resilient in the face of an uncertain future with unpredictable disruptions, cities need to invest in infrastructure that is both sustainable and equitable. Cities that succeed in doing so will not only be able to survive but to thrive. 

I look forward to the discussion by today’s panel, to explore and share practical ways that cities can secure investments for the infrastructure that they urgently need. 

And so, wishing everyone a wonderful conference and thank you very much.