Joint MND-CEA Release on New Appointments to the Council for Estate Agencies

Oct 21, 2022


Four new Council members will be appointed to the Council for Estate Agencies (CEA) with effect from 22 October 2022. Mr Quek See Tiat (郭书实), President of the Council, will be re-appointed, along with nine other members.

New Council members

2. The four new members are:

i) Ms Aw Li Fen, Philomena (胡丽芬), Director (Geo-Strategic Policy) and (Social Resilience), Prime Minister's Office;

ii) Mr Jason Teo Eng Chong (张永钟), Group Director (Land Sales & Administration), Urban Redevelopment Authority;

iii) Ms Woo Shea Leen (吴雪琳), Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Singapore; and

iv) Ms Yashodhara d/o Dhoraisingam, Advocate & Solicitor.

Re-appointed Council members

3. In addition to Mr Quek, the nine re-appointed members are:

i) Mr Lim Chee Hwee (林志辉), Executive Director, Council for Estate Agencies;

ii) Mr Chan Hein Wah, Mike (陈显华), Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Estate), Housing & Development Board;

iii) Ms Koh Choon Fah (高春华), Board Member, Edmund Tie Holdings Pte. Ltd.;

iv) Ms Lee Siow Hwee (李小慧), Executive Director, Consumers Association of Singapore;

v) Mr Lok Vi Ming (骆维明), Senior Counsel and Managing Director, LVM Law Chambers LLC;

vi) Mr Mohamed Abdul Akbar Bin Mohamed Abdul Kader, Managing Director, Nan Guan Construction Pte Ltd;

vii) Mr Ng Boon Yew (吴文友), Executive Chairman, Raffles Campus Group;

viii) Dr Tan Tee Khoon (陈智群), Country Manager - Singapore, PropertyGuru Group; and

ix) Mr Thomas Tan Thiam Hee (陈添喜), Chief Operating Officer, ERA Singapore.

Council members who are stepping down

4. Mr Sin Lye Chong (冼礼聪), formerly Group Director (Land Sales & Administration) at Urban Redevelopment Authority, and currently, Assistant Chief Executive (GeoSpatial & Corporate) and Chief Sustainability Officer, Singapore Land Authority, has stepped down on 31 March 2022;

5. Mrs Deborah Ong Yang Sock (陈映雪), Retired Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Singapore, will be stepping down at the end of her term on 21 October 2022; and

6. Ms Tan Pei Shan (陈珮珊), Executive Director, Policy & Planning, National Research Foundation, will be stepping down at the end of her term on 21 October 2022.

7. With these appointment changes, the CEA Council will have 14 members, including Mr Quek See Tiat. All appointments are for a two-year term until 31 October 2024. The full list of the CEA Council members is in the Annex.

8. The Ministry of National Development (MND) and CEA welcome the new Council members and look forward to the continued contributions by the re-appointed President and Council members. MND and CEA also extend their appreciation to Mr Sin Lye Chong, Mrs Deborah Ong Yang Sock and Ms Tan Pei Shan for their invaluable service, guidance, and contributions during their tenures.

About the Council for Estate Agencies

The Council for Estate Agencies (CEA) is a statutory board established in 2010 under the Estate Agents Act to regulate and promote the development of a professional and trusted real estate agency industry. The key responsibilities of CEA are to license property agencies and register property agents, enhance the professionalism and competence of property agencies and property agents, and equip consumers with the necessary knowledge to make informed decisions in property transactions involving property agents. For more information, please visit




Mr Quek See Tiat (郭书实)


Mr Lim Chee Hwee (林志辉)
Executive Director
Council for Estate Agencies


Mr Chan Hein Wah, Mike (陈显华)
Deputy Chief Executive Officer (Estate)
Housing & Development Board


Ms Koh Choon Fah (高春华)
Board Member
Edmund Tie Holdings Pte. Ltd.


Ms Lee Siow Hwee (李小慧)
Executive Director
Consumers Association of Singapore


Mr Lok Vi Ming (骆维明)\
Senior Counsel and Managing Director
LVM Law Chambers LLC


Mr Mohamed Abdul Akbar Bin Mohamed Abdul Kader
Managing Director
Nan Guan Construction Pte Ltd


Mr Ng Boon Yew (吴文友)
Executive Chairman
Raffles Campus Group


Dr Tan Tee Khoon (陈智群)
Country Manager – Singapore
PropertyGuru Group

Mr Thomas Tan Thiam Hee (陈添喜)
Chief Operating Officer
ERA Singapore


Ms Aw Li Fen, Philomena (胡丽芬)*
Director (Geo-Strategic Policy) and (Social Resilience)
Prime Minister's Office


Mr Jason Teo Eng Chong (张永钟)*
Group Director (Land Sales & Administration)
Urban Redevelopment Authority


Ms Woo Shea Leen (吴雪琳)*
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Singapore


Ms Yashodhara d/o Dhoraisingam*
Advocate & Solicitor




*New Council members