Written Answer by Ministry of National Development on whether the Ministry will consider imposing a moratorium on declawing cats and debarking dogs and monitor whether pet euthanasia rates change during this moratorium

Feb 26, 2021

Mr Louis Ng Kok Kwang: To ask the Minister for National Development whether the Ministry will consider imposing a moratorium on declawing cats and debarking dogs and monitor whether pet euthanasia rates change during this moratorium to study the relationship between such practices and pet euthanasia.


NParks does not encourage the practices of declawing cats and debarking dogs. However, there could be instances where such procedures are required as a last resort, in order for owners to keep their pets. 

The Code of Ethics for Veterinarians considers declawing cats and debarking dogs unethical unless these procedures are performed as an alternative to euthanasia. Veterinarians are required to advise the owners of non-surgical alternatives and to ensure that all reasonable efforts have been made to manage the issue prior to performing such procedures. Failure to do so can result in written warnings, composition fines, or suspension or revocation of veterinary licences.  

It would not be desirable to impose a moratorium on these procedures for the purpose of monitoring changes to pet euthanasia rates, as this could lead to the unnecessary euthanasia of pets. If the public comes across suspected cases where declawing of cats or debarking of dogs have been performed without due justification, we ask that they inform NParks, so that it can investigate the cases and take enforcement action if warranted.