Written answer by Ministry of National Development on rise in public flat rentals due to income increases and quantum of rental increases
Jan 7, 2025
Question No: 7017
Question by: Mr Gerald Giam Yean Song
To ask the Minister for National Development (a) how many public rental flat tenants experienced rent increases in the past year due to income increases; (b) what was the average percentage increase in such cases; (c) whether the Ministry has conducted studies into the extent to which rent increases may disincentivise work or income progression among tenants; and (d) whether the Ministry will consider further refining the current rent adjustment model to better support tenants' efforts towards financial independence.
Rents under the Public Rental Scheme are reviewed during tenancy renewal, every two to three years. HDB does not impose rent increases during the tenancy term, even if tenants’ incomes increase during this period.
In 2024, about a quarter of public rental households that renewed their tenancies had experienced income growth. Among them, about 1 in 5 experienced a rent increase. Their median rent increase was about $150, significantly lower than their median income increase of about $1,300.
The Government provides higher subsidies to lower-income households as they require greater support. To maintain the incentive for work and income growth, the Government has made refinements to the public housing rent structure over the years. HDB generally ensures that rent increases are significantly lower than tenants’ income growth, so that tenants are better off as their incomes improve. Factors such as household size and individual circumstances are also considered to ensure that the rent remains affordable. In addition, tenants who have signed the Agreement for Lease and made the downpayment for a booked flat do not experience any further rent increase, even if their income increases during the time they are waiting for the booked flat.
We will continue to review the Public Rental Scheme regularly to ensure it meets tenants’ needs.