Written answer by Ministry of National Development on lessons from feedback on centralised cooling system from Tengah Town home owners

Nov 22, 2023

Question No: 5427

Question by: Mr Yip Hon Wen

To ask the Minister for National Development given the recent feedback about the centralised cooling system by Tengah Town home owners (a) what are the learning points for the Ministry in implementing such built-in systems for new HDB flats aimed at improving Singapore’s sustainability goals; and (b) how will HDB implement future similar systems for new HDB flats especially in terms of communications to residents and vendor management.


Tengah Town is Singapore’s first smart and sustainable town, planned with green and sustainable features, and smart technologies. One key initiative has been the development of a Centralised Cooling System (CCS) in HDB flats in collaboration with SP Group. The CCS pilot at Tengah provides HDB homebuyers the option to subscribe to a more energy-efficient cooling solution, compared to conventional air-conditioning systems.

2.       As part of the pilot, HDB provides CCS-ready infrastructure, such as roofs of HDB blocks that are designed and strengthened to support cooling towers, risers for CCS pipes, and electrical infrastructure necessary for the operation of the CCS plant. SP Group designs, installs, operates, and maintains the CCS cooling towers and distribution network, including the fan coil units and trunkings within the flat. SP Group is also responsible for resident communications and engagement to facilitate sign-ups, and contracts directly with flat owners for the installation and supply of CCS in their units.

3.       MND and HDB are aware of feedback from some Tengah residents relating to water seepage and air flow from the CCS Fan Coil Units not being cold enough. These issues arose from the compressed flat delivery schedule of the Tengah BTO projects due to extensive delays caused by the COVID pandemic. This in turn resulted in insufficient time for comprehensive testing and commissioning by SP Group before key collection. We understand most of the defects have since been resolved, and SP Group is working closely with residents to address remaining feedback. SP Group is also offering a dedicated quality assurance service check for all CCS subscribers who have already received their keys, to ensure that all CCS-related issues are addressed to the satisfaction of flat owners. While this is ongoing, SP Group has announced that it will waive usage charges for all Tengah CCS customers for the rest of the year.

4.       As we implement and pilot new systems at scale, like the CCS in Tengah, we can expect teething issues to surface. However, these do not detract from the sustainability or technological viability of the CCS. HDB will continue to monitor the feedback on the CCS, and support SP Group to ensure the smooth roll-out of CCS in Tengah.         

5.       In developing new systems and technologies in support of our sustainability objectives, HDB engages residents, contractors, service providers and local stakeholders closely to take in their feedback, explain the benefits, and facilitate smooth implementation on the ground. Specifically for CCS, as it is new in a residential setting in Singapore, HDB has additionally also provided the option of an air-con ledge for flats that are built in Tengah. HDB will continue to study the performance and ground feedback on the CCS before reaching a decision on wider-scale implementation.