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Jan/Feb 2017 Issue
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Singapore’s Youths Envision an Inclusive Singapore

Congratulations to the 13 winners of the Project BUILD 2016 Competition! This challenge, organised by the Building and Construction Authority (BCA), encourages students to envisage the future of an inclusive Singapore through miniature models of buildings, developments and public spaces. It is one of BCA’s initiatives to raise awareness of the importance of Universal Design.

The competition saw a total of 65 participating teams, comprising some 300 students from secondary schools and institutes of higher learning. The top three winners were teams from Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), Beatty Secondary School, and ITE College Central.

The winning entries, including the ten merit winners, were displayed at the Project BUILD Exhibition at the National Library from 25 to 30 November last year.

First prize winner from the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) with their vision UNICA, a green public plaza that is accessible to patrons with disabilities. Friendly, accessible features can be found in every corner of the plaza.
First prize winner from the Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) with their vision UNICA, a green public plaza that is accessible to patrons with disabilities. Friendly, accessible features can be found in every corner of the plaza.
Second prize winner from Beatty Secondary School came up with a “melting pot” where people, young and old with diverse abilities, mingle and have fun. Applying the principles of Universal Design, the idea is to create a “borderless” park with a playground.
Second prize winner from Beatty Secondary School came up with a “melting pot” where people, young and old with diverse abilities, mingle and have fun. Applying the principles of Universal Design, the idea is to create a “borderless” park with a playground.
Third prize winner from ITE College Central showcased a Universal Design public toilet by the sandy beach for everyone to use. This encourages people of all ages to spend time at the beach, and at the same time, explore this interesting and fascinating structure.
Third prize winner from ITE College Central showcased a Universal Design public toilet by the sandy beach for everyone to use. This encourages people of all ages to spend time at the beach, and at the same time, explore this interesting and fascinating structure.

The Project BUILD Exhibition was officially launched by Senior Minister of State for Home Affairs and National Development, Mr Desmond Lee on 25 November 2016. . Comprising 11 zones, the exhibition showcased the Universal Design features that are present in many award-winning developments across Singapore. From park to apartment, visitors could experience Universal Design and appreciate how inclusive design can make a difference in people’s lives.

BCA’s CEO Dr John Keung (left) and SMS Desmond Lee launching the Project BUILD Exhibition 2016 at the National Library.
BCA’s CEO Dr John Keung (left) and SMS Desmond Lee launching the Project BUILD Exhibition 2016 at the National Library.
Visitors to the Project BUILD Exhibition learnt about the various Universal Design features found in Singapore, and how these features improve the lives of many.
Visitors to the Project BUILD Exhibition learnt about the various Universal Design features found in Singapore, and how these features improve the lives of many.
A ramp and tactile warning indicators featured in the exhibition allows visitors to experience and understand the importance of such features, and how they help create an inclusive built environment.
A ramp and tactile warning indicators featured in the exhibition allows visitors to experience and understand the importance of such features, and how they help create an inclusive built environment.