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Jan/Feb 2017 Issue
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Show your love for our City in a Garden!

Love how lushly green Singapore is? Contribute to the Singapore Botanic Gardens’ work in conserving our natural heritage through the “Give to the Gardens” programme! You can also share your love for our island’s biodiversity and landscapes in the Singapore Garden Photographer of the Year 2017 competition.

On 29 November 2016, NParks announced the “Give to the Gardens” programme, a new community involvement programme in which anyone can contribute to the research, outreach and education purposes of the Singapore Botanic Gardens, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The announcement was made at the launch of “Trees of the World”, a Christmas light-up event at the Gardens running from 29 November 2016 to 2 January 2017. Senior Minister of State for Home Affairs and National Development Mr Desmond Lee hosted the event.

(Left to right) NParks DCEO and Commissioner of Parks & Recreation Dr Leong Chee Chiew; NParks CEO Mr Kenneth Er; Senior Minister of State for Home Affairs and National Development Mr Desmond Lee; and Garden City Fund Chairman Professor Leo Tan, officially launching the “Give to the Gardens” programme and the “Trees of the World” event by activating a light “sculpture”.
(Left to right) NParks DCEO and Commissioner of Parks & Recreation Dr Leong Chee Chiew; NParks CEO Mr Kenneth Er; Senior Minister of State for Home Affairs and National Development Mr Desmond Lee; and Garden City Fund Chairman Professor Leo Tan, officially launching the “Give to the Gardens” programme and the “Trees of the World” event by activating a light “sculpture”.

“Give to the Gardens” Programme

The “Give to the Gardens” programme, under the Garden City Fund (GCF), is a tiered donation and benefits programme in which the public can contribute to the Gardens and play a part in conserving Singapore’s natural heritage. Donors who contribute $5,000 or more will also be issued a membership card that will allow them to enjoy enhanced benefits.

To seed this donation programme, about 40 long-time supporters and partners of the Gardens have already pledged close to $70,000!

Trees of the World

First organised in 2009, “Trees of the World” is a community event that enables individuals, organisations, and community groups to come together to decorate trees provided by the Gardens with Christmas lights.

This year, representatives from embassies, schools, community groups, NGOs, and corporate partners were invited to celebrate the launch of “Give to the Gardens” by decorating 200 trees before the event. These decorated trees were displayed along the paths stretching from Nassim Gate Visitor Centre to the Heritage Core at Tanglin Gate, transforming the Gardens into a magical wonderland.

Nanyang Polytechnic students decorating one of the trees for the “Trees of the World 2016” event.
Nanyang Polytechnic students decorating one of the trees for the “Trees of the World 2016” event.
Part of the “Trees of the World 2016” light-up in the Gardens.
Part of the “Trees of the World 2016” light-up in the Gardens.

Singapore Garden Photographer of the Year 2017

“Trees of the World 2016” also saw the launch of the second edition of the Singapore Garden Photographer of the Year (SGPY) photo competition. This year-long national competition aims to create a greater appreciation for and awareness of our natural heritage through the lenses of photographers from the community. The photo competition features an open category and an Instagram category.

NParks Group Director of Conservation and Senior Curator at the Istana, Mr Wong Tuan Wah, with SMS Desmond Lee admiring the winning entries of the Singapore Garden Photographer of the Year 2015 competition. The winning entries from that competition are on display at the CDL Green Gallery in the Singapore Botanic Gardens until 5 February.
NParks Group Director of Conservation and Senior Curator at the Istana, Mr Wong Tuan Wah, with SMS Desmond Lee admiring the winning entries of the Singapore Garden Photographer of the Year 2015 competition. The winning entries from that competition are on display at the CDL Green Gallery in the Singapore Botanic Gardens until 5 February.

SGPY 2017 participants can submit photos of what they feel best represent three themes: “Gardens and Landscapes”, “People and Nature” and “Our BiodiverCITY”. Cash and camera prizes worth about $30,000 are up for grabs!

Do visit for more details.

The closing date for each theme is as follows:

Theme 1: Gardens and Landscapes
22 Feb 2017 (Wed)

Theme 2: People and Nature
24 May 2017 (Wed)

Theme 3: Our BiodiverCITY
23 Aug 2017 (Wed)