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Jan/Feb 2017 Issue
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An Endearing Home

Window Safety Day

Windows are subject to wear and tear as we open and close them every day, and window parts can become loose or defective, causing them to detach and fall. Remember to check your windows every half a year (6/6 and 12/12), and engage an approved window contractor to repair them if necessary. More information can be found here.

Window Safety Day

Launch of free Wi-Fi network in Tampines Street 21

Tampines residents can now access free Wi-Fi service around some areas of their estate! The Tampines Merchants Association launched a free Wi-Fi service in the neighbourhood for business owners and customers on 2 Dec 2016.

Launch of free Wi-Fi network in Tampines Street 21
Launch of free Wi-Fi network in Tampines Street 21

Instawalk @ Bedok

Did you join us at our Instawalk @ Bedok? Some highlights include visiting the revitalised Bedok Town Centre, HDB Bedok Branch and Linear Green estate. This town is certainly full of character and buzzing with new developments. Stay tuned on MND Instagram for news on our upcoming instawalk!

Instawalk @ Bedok
Instawalk @ Bedok

Launch of Jurong Lake Gardens Public Exhibition

With the award of the design consultancy tender for Jurong Lake Gardens (JLG) Central and East in October 2016, NParks has launched an exhibition to gather public feedback on the winning consultant team’s proposal. As Singapore’s new national gardens in the heartlands, JLG is envisioned to be a people’s garden where spaces will be sensitively landscaped and created for families and the community to come together.

Share with us your feedback and suggestions here.

Launch of Jurong Lake Gardens Public Exhibition
Launch of Jurong Lake Gardens Public Exhibition

Launch of November BTO & SBF Exercise

Over 10,000 flats, comprising 5,110 BTO units and 5,008 SBF units across 25 towns/estates, were launched in the November 2016 BTO & SBF Exercise. A wide range of flat types from 2-room Flexi to 5-room and 3Gen were available. Applications closed on 28 November.

Check out this link for information about the upcoming BTO exercise in February 2017.

Launch of November BTO & SBF Exercise

‘Cool Ideas for Better HDB Living’ Exhibition

More than 600 ideas were generated since the launch of the ‘Cool Ideas for Better HDB Living' competition in 2014. Speaking at the launch of the exhibition on 19 November 2016, Minister Lawrence Wong announced two enhancements to the initiative: (i) Enhanced Cool Ideas Fund; and (ii) New “Cool Ideas Partners”. More details can be found here.

Let us continue to develop more innovative ideas that will make for better HDB living for everyone!

‘Cool Ideas for Better HDB Living’ Exhibition
‘Cool Ideas for Better HDB Living’ Exhibition