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Jul/Aug 2019 Issue
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Fostering Stronger Operational Capabilities Through the Regional Operations Network

Since November 2017, the Municipal Services Office (MSO) has spearheaded and organised several Regional Operations Network (RON) sessions, bringing together operations officers from 10 partner agencies to network and foster stronger operational capabilities for the improvement of municipal services delivery.

Discussion between officers from different partner agencies during a RON session
Discussion between officers from different partner agencies during a RON session.

Through these sessions, more than 450 operations officers have learned about protocols and tools that can strengthen their capabilities and allow them to deliver better municipal services to residents. In addition, they have learnt more about other agencies’ roles and functions, and also discussed and learnt from municipal case studies involving multiple agencies. Senior officers have also shared their insights and perspectives on cross-agency collaboration to further enrich the participants’ learning. The sessions have garnered much positive feedback from both the agencies and the participants.

Officers from multiple agencies participate in a group photograph after a RON session
Officers from multiple agencies participate in a group photograph after a RON session.

Through these sessions, RON alumni can better engage their regional counterparts to resolve complex issues collaboratively, as well as reference protocols and tools for cross-cutting municipal issues. Many of the RON alumni have been able to continue leveraging the network for inter-agency issues, as they find the protocols and tools to be useful in their work.

Deepening Capabilities, Sustaining the Operations Network

As part of MSO’s continuous efforts to further engage and sustain the Operations Network and reach out to more operations officers, MSO has also implemented the following platforms:

  1. Operations Learning Journeys, where officers can learn in depth about selected municipal topics such as Geospace (an online geospatial tool), mental health awareness, and hoarding management. For example, in May 2019 MSO partnered with the National Environment Agency (NEA) to organise a learning journey for both agency and Town Council officers to the NEA Video Surveillance Unit, aimed at enhancing capabilities and knowledge on the use of video technology to identify persistent offenders in high-rise littering cases;

  2. Dear RON newsletters, where officers can share bite-sized information on best practices, protocols and sector-related developments; and

  3. RON@Workplace, where officers can regularly share all the latest news about developments in the municipal services sector.

With about 4,000 frontline operations officers from the partner agencies in the core pool delivering municipal services to Singapore, the RON community is poised to grow further as MSO welcomes more officers to the Operations Network through future RON sessions. The efforts will benefit both the Public Service and the municipal services sector.

Operations Learning Journey to the NEA Video Surveillance Unit (May 2019)
Operations Learning Journey to the NEA Video Surveillance Unit (May 2019)