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Jan/Feb 2018 Issue
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CEA Reaches Out to Consumers

“Neehhhhver miiind!”

Mdm Tan

If you recognise this face (and this nasal refrain), you’ve probably seen the Council for Estate Agencies (CEA)’s latest consumer education video.

In the video, “Madam Tan” and her bullying ways show us how not to work with property agents. As consumers, we should be fair to our property agents and honour our deals when our property transactions have been facilitated successfully.

The video was part of CEA’s month-long outreach campaign to promote a harmonious relationship between property agents and consumers, for the benefit of all parties.

Besides reminding consumers to check CEA’s Public Register before engaging an agent, the video also highlights how consumers should negotiate agents’ commissions before they start work, and demonstrates the proper way to pass money to payees for property transactions

A Month-long Outreach Effort

CEA’s month-long outreach effort also included online banner ads that drew attention to its Happy Consumer campaign website. The site highlighted the best practices when engaging property agents.

What Should I Do Before Engaging a Property Agent? CEA's bus shelter ads

In addition, CEA’s bus shelter ads around the island drew attention to, and sparked conversations about key things consumers need to know to ensure fruitful and productive working relationships with their property agents.

Journey to the West... to Find a Home

As part of its outreach, two house-hunting features and an article by CEA were carried on and MoneySmart respectively.

The first advertorial on featured a consumer sharing her positive experiences with her agent during her house-hunting journey, while the second shared anecdotes and tips from consumers on the best practices when working with agents to make the home-buying process as smooth as possible.

Meanwhile, the MoneySmart article highlighted some things that consumers might not be aware of. For example, agents cannot handle certain monies related to transactions, neither can they refer clients to moneylenders.

Buying, selling, or renting a property can be a complicated process, but engaging a property agent shouldn’t be one! Find out about the six steps you should take when engaging a property agent.